Monday, October 5, 2009

Reasons to Support the Colonists'

One reason to suport the Colonists' would be that the king said they could have all this freedom and when they get to the land which was going to be there own, but when they get to America the king said that he was going to take away their freedom and that he was going to now own them. For example if you were going to play at the playground and your mom said you could go anywhere you wanted and do anything you wanted there, but then you get to the the play ground and your mom yells across the street, that you can only play on the slide.

Reason number two is that they were already mad that they got their freedom taken from them but then the king says that he will tax them because they needed the money after the Seven Years War ended. The Colonists' were mad because they weren't even part of Parlament and wondered why they should they be taxed. The reason he taxed them because it was the fastest way to make money since they needed so many suplies that all need to be shipped.

The last reason was that they could do what they wanted. They aren't controlled they can do what they want to. Together they can make new laws and live a life that they want to live, not what the king wanted!

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